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    Release Beacons
    Positioning Beacons
    Easytrak USBL Systems
    Sub-Bottom Profiling
    Other Services

    Current career opportunities

    We’re always wanting to hear from candidates who share out values: a strong work ethic, the drive to push the boundaries and a desire to be part of a team who truly care about each other as well as their clients. If that sounds like you, then please get in touch.

    To apply for any of the roles listed, please send us your CV with an accompanying letter outlining your suitability, aptitude and the skills you have that match our requirements.

    We are not currency recruiting for any roles, but our door is always open for the right people.

    If you are interested in working for aae technologies, please attach your CV below, along with a short accompanying note outlining your skills, experience and the type of role you are looking for.

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