Offshore renewables
World class geophysical survey and positioning systems
Prior to the construction of an offshore wind farm, site characterisation surveys must be carried out to explore the site’s suitability. These complex surveys are required to ascertain, amongst many other things, any geological restrictions that may be present.
At aae technologies, we develop sophisticated marine geophysical survey systems and have re-tuned these systems for the specific requirements of offshore wind operators – delivering higher-resolution data at faster survey speeds. In addition to the sub-bottom data acquired using our extensive range of seismic survey equipment, we can also provide precise positioning above the water using our MiniPod submersible GNSS antennas.
We also manufacture a range of advanced USBL positioning systems, enabling accurate and reliable subsea positioning. Our Pyxis INS + USBL and Nexus 2 systems offer MiQ bi-directional data telemetry, Multi-Fire common interrogate capability and Sigma 2 digital spread spectrum transmissions, providing a secure acoustic link with very low susceptibility to interference.
Coupled with the optimum positioning beacons, our systems deliver accurate results in extremely shallow water, as well as long-range, deep-water tracking.

Client case studies