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ROVas is a Norwegian company that provides documentation, inspection and consulting services for the maritime industry, including verifiable inspection reports, underwater mapping, engineering and equipment rental.

Applying our underwater expertise

The company approached aae as it was having problems monitoring the position of its ROVs in freshwater layers in the fjords, especially when free flying a long way from the mother vessel. This coincided with growing demand for more reliable and accurate reports on anchors for fish farms, as well as increased efficiency during pipe and cable surveys. 

It required a new ultra short baseline (USBL) system that could cater for long-distance monitoring, in addition to compatible mini and micro beacons.

Enhanced accuracy and tracking capability

Since implementing applied acoustics’ Nexus range of USBL systems, ROVas has seen vast improvements in its tracking capability, increasing depth range below 3m by 500m, up to 1000m. It has also increased shallow horizontal tracking from 30m depth at 150m range to 10m depth at 350m range, while increasing accuracy from 5% of maximum water depth to 1%. 

This accuracy was achieved through the easily adjustable settings in the Nexus software and the ability to configure with third-party sensors. ROVas has achieved a stable fixed position with a slant range of 1400m at 880m water depth, as well as a 0.5m position accuracy, which has been measured with a high-accuracy multibeam at 200m water depth.

ROVas now has the flexibility to use the channel that is best suited to the environmental challenges in the fjords. Because Nexus 2 is intuitive and easy to use, the company is also finding it much easier to train new personnel. Most importantly, ROVas has improved the quality of its services, opening up new markets in power distribution, oil and gas.

Need a long-term partner or support with an ongoing project?

    Release Beacons
    Positioning Beacons
    Easytrak USBL Systems
    Sub-Bottom Profiling