- GEOxyz
- Since 2015
Providing comprehensive offshore geophysical, geotechnical, hydrographic and topographical surveys mainly in renewables, and oil & gas sectors, they pride themselves on owning all their assets to guarantee quality and reliability.

Upgraded technology for pinpoint accuracy
Rather than hiring equipment and resources, GEOxyz prefer to own all their assets, vessels and technology with their own fixed survey crews and equipment installed. Naturally, they want vessels to carry the latest survey technology – multi-beam, side-scan sonar, magnetometers and of course a high-performance USBL system.
Before coming to aae, GEOxyz was using older equipment that was no longer able to fulfil the specification in terms of range and accuracy to meet the level of detail clients now request from their surveys. Updating their equipment to modern industry standards was essential.
For a while, they switched to hiring the equipment they needed in order to study what was available on the market and establish which product does what it says on the spec sheet and gives them the best results.
After comparing specs, performance and prices, they decided applied acoustics products provided the best offer and their decision to purchase our Nexus 2 and accompanying products was made.

Improved data processing and greater client satisfaction
Since implementing the Nexus 2 systems with our 2780 directional transceivers on their survey vessels, GEOxyz now has much-increased capability in their geophysical and topographical work. They have found the systems to be impressively stable, providing reliable data, reducing troubleshooting and avoiding discussions with clients on the accuracy of datasets.
The increased reliability and accuracy in their positioning technology has been matched with as little downtime as possible, meaning they can deliver results in a fast and effective manner without wasted time and money. Also, with its intuitive interface and the way Nexus 2 integrates into the whole spread of equipment used in their operations, it was very easy to train staff quickly on the new systems.
Especially with offshore operations, it’s very important to have 24-7 remote support.
Initial software issues were quickly resolved by applied acoustics’ engineers and operations were soon up to speed, since when everything has been running smoothly and efficiently, with no further support required.
At the time of writing, GEOxyz are just about to take delivery of another batch of 1113H beacons, so we look forward to getting more feedback from the GEOxyz team and enjoying a long working relationship into the future.